A former Securities and Exchange Commission official said he reviewed the documents U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus turned over as part of an insider trading investigation and found no violations of federal law. Stanley Sporkin, who also was a federal judge in Washington, D.C., for 14 years, is in private practice and counsels individuals and corporations on...
The Bachus for Congress campaign is proud to announce the endorsements of sheriffs from the Sixth Congressional District. Momemtum is building for Spencer's reelection, so please contact the campaign if you want to get involved! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 20, 2012 Bachus...
As your congressman, I view my character and reputation as not only my business, but yours. A book titled "Throw Them All Out" by Peter Schweizer is premised on the allegation that while Americans were losing their life savings in the financial crisis of 2008, members of Congress were getting rich by trading on inside information. While purposely designed...
The Business Council of Alabama has endorsed Spencer Bachus! MONTGOMERY—The board of directors of the Business Council of Alabama has endorsed U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus in the race for Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. “Spencer Bachus has been a strong advocate for job creation and...
Congressman Bachus is honored to receive the support of the National Right to Life Political Action Committee. As a strong support of life, Rep. Bachus will always stand up to defend the unborn. //